Sunday, September 1, 2013

Fukushima worse than one can imagine

Just when one thought the news couldn't get any worse, apparently the radioactivity strength of the latest Fukushima leaks is 18 times than previously reported. That's what we are told now, but who knows what the real situation is. Meanwhile, India's work on the new nuclear reactor in Tamil Nadu, continues without any lessons learned.

Fukushima leak crises gets worse

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Nuclear fallout from Fukushima gets worse

The situation involving the new Fukushima radiation leak is worse than earlier estimates last week:

Fukushima nuclear leak

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Fracking Documentary "The Sky is Pink" by Josh Fox

The euphoria over fracking as a solution for the insatiable thirst for energy has been orchestrated and marketed by an army of propagandists. "Science" of course has been deployed as an alibi by the supporters and beneficiaries of fracking. Not unexpectedly, historian Niall Ferguson has jumped on the fracking bandwagon. His earlier prediction was the emergence of a democratic and peaceful Iraq. Prior to that, he was writing articles and books praising the wonders of colonialism and empire.

A brief documentary on fracking "The Sky is Pink"

The Sky is Pink

Friday, August 9, 2013

An Epidemic of Rapes in India

An epidemic of rapes in India. Bearing the violent brunt of it all are girls, some as young as five. The sheer scale of sadistic violence is unbelievable. From the media coverage it would appear that this is something new, but what is probably new is the increased reporting of it, particularly because of social protests that have erupted in many parts of India. In some cases, the police has reacted violently against the protesters - in Delhi a high ranking officer actually slapped a woman protester so hard that she bled from her ears. In Delhi too, another police officer offered about 40 dollars to the parents of a five year old who was violently raped, to hush up the case. As is usually the case elsewhere, most victims of rapes are not strangers to their tormentors. The increased media coverage gives the impression that it is usually the members of the down and out classes that are involved in such horrendous sex crimes. However, there is no shortage of evidence that many of the sexual predators are members of the dominant classes and some of them are the fathers of the rape victims. Most of them also get away scot free because in most cases the banner of "family honour" is invoked without any sense of irony of course. Institutions and agents charged with dispensing social justice actively collude with the covering up of such crimes.  

Fukushima - TEPCO not liable

The private corporation TEPCO will not be prosecuted for the continuing Fukushima nuclear disaster. And, not surprisingly, the Japanese taxpayers will pay for the radioactive mess of a private company

Fukushima and TEPCO

tax payers to pay for the radioactive mess

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Nuclear Horror (Continued) in Fukushima

More than two years after the Fukushima meltdown, the nuclear horror shows no signs of abating. Radioactive water is leaking out at a rate of 400 tons a day. Naturally, TEPCO officials argue that the level of radioactivity in the water is within the "legal" limits (whatever that means for real live humans and non-humans) even as they admit to being baffled as to what is going on. Meanwhile, the Japanese government seems committed to spending public funds for containing a disaster brought to us by TEPCO, a private company. It's the same story - public funds used to support and bailout private appropriation and clean-ups. Meanwhile in Tamil Nadu in India, despite the massive protests, national and global, the nuclear reactor has reached "critical stage" and is all set to begin generating the chimerical "pollution free" energy.

An editorial in Japan's leading national daily, the Asahi Shimbun:

"For decades, nuclear weapons and nuclear power generation have generally been treated as separate issues. But is this the right approach?
Japan is the only nation to have experienced nuclear devastation with the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki 68 years ago. It has also suffered a nuclear disaster that caused tremendous damage in Fukushima Prefecture.
We can no longer afford to put off confronting the unimaginably frightful risk posed by nuclear power."

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Rana Plaza, Bangladesh

The horrendously high cost of low prices. The brutal commodity chains of global capitalism and its local and global predators. Vijay Prashad in Counterpunch

Friday, January 11, 2013

VP Joseph Biden on gun violence

The Vice President Joseph Biden is expected to make an announcement on Tuesday about steps to deal with gun violence.

He used gun related metaphors to dampen expectations. As he put it:

"I'm shooting for Tuesday. I hope I get it done by then,” he said on Friday, cautioning that "we know that there's no silver bullet."

He hinted at technological fixes: 

"Vice President Joe Biden expressed interest Friday in existing technology that would keep a gun from being fired by anyone other than the purchaser."

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Chair of the Chattisgarh Women Commission: women "equally responsible for rapes"

Yes, the usual suspects are drummed up: Western culture, "display of body", ignorance of Hindu epics, the Inernet etc.

"Vibha Rao, the chairperson of Chhattisgarh State Women Commission, doesn’t agree that her views are a case of ‘blaming the victim’ but is emphatic that women are “equally responsible” for the sexual offences committed against them.

The gruesome acts of rape and victimisation of women may have shocked many. But Ms. Vibha Rao says that women, influenced by western culture, send wrong signals through their dress and behaviour and men often take the cue from those signals. “Women display their bodies and indulge in various obscene activities. Women are unaware of the kind of message [their actions] generate,” she said.
Ms. Rao’s focus is not the criminal nature of rape or the power relations behind it, but she believes excessive “display of body” by women influenced by western culture is the key. Ms. Rao, an advocate by profession and a prominent BJP leader in the State, says Bollywood with its film songs is adding to the cultural breakdown.

Other reasons for sexual offences against women are ignorance of Hindu epics that teach values, proliferation of the Internet, and the breakdown of joint families. “Joint family system is disintegrating and hence cultural values are not inculcated in kids,” Ms. Rao said.

Tribals in Chhattisgarh have little exposure to western culture. But there have been several well publicised cases recently when tribal women have been raped without the police taking any action. Ms. Rao does agree that rape figures in tribal districts of Chhattisgarh are not ‘readily available’ with the Women’s Commission, but she says, “They [tribals] are in live-in relationship and have consensual sex. Once a [tribal] couple gets separated, the case goes to the police. Those are not rape,” said Ms. Rao.
Regarding alleged rape of the tribal women by erstwhile vigilante gang members in south Chhattisgarh, Ms. Rao said she cannot comment on ‘sub judice’ matters."