Friday, July 1, 2011

The Public Sociology of Tony Judt

There are times when one can present an argument that is not particularly new for those who are tuned into issues of social justice. However, once in a while, the manner of enunciating and expressing an existing viewpoint can make it novel and new. Such is the case with Tony Judt’s remarkable book _Ill Fares the Land_ (Penguin, 2010) It is a riveting account of the present condition of the United States and how it came to be this way. He provides an eloquent big picture account of the economic and political transformation of the United States and its implications for the future. This is Public Sociology at its best – comparable to Richard Sennett’s work. Unfortunately Judt died at the prime of his intellectual life. Buy a copy for yourself and a copy each for all your friends and loved ones!

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