Saturday, December 31, 2011

"Happy" New Year and all that....

I guess it all depends on one's perspective or the kind of year one has had. Even though I am not particularly known to be a misanthrope - not even a mild one - I have never figured out what the fuss is all about. A long time ago, after having my senses assaulted by too many robotic and ritualized "A Happy New Year!", I almost mustered the courage to mutter "Mind your own business, please." I am sure some well-wishers are quite sincere, but my peculiar reaction to what everyone seemingly enjoys, possibly has to do with an allergy to ritualized, mass-manufactured behaviour. And perhaps more than a strong dose of profound pessimism about the horrors of life and the obvious vileness of "human nature". But since as the famous quip from Marx goes, "nothing human is alien to me", do have a happy new year :)

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