Thursday, August 30, 2012

Political Philosopher and Theorist Sheldon Wolin

Sheldon Wolin, Professor Emeritus of Political Science at Princeton University is a remarkable "theorist" who, unlike many other "theorists", is allergic to pompous, vacuous abstractions. His recent book, Democracy Incorporated (Princeton University Press) in which he expands on his concept of "inverted totalitarianism" is, like his other works, extremely insightful. His lucidity comes from deep learning and understanding that contrasts with the "theoretical" obfuscation from self-conscious "theorists" that usually arises from an admixture of insecurity and either a half-baked understanding of the role of "theory" in illuminating critical aspects of society or perhaps a cynical playing of the academic game of one-up-personship.

Here is Sheldon Wolin an interview with Bill Moyers.

Sheldon Wolin part 1

Sheldon Wolin 2

And here is the brilliant and articulate Chris Hedges on Wolin's concept of "inverted totalitarianism"

Chris Hedges on "Inverted Totalitarianism"

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