Saturday, October 6, 2012

Michael Ignatieff on the annals of political science

Michael Ignatieff:

"America's empire is not like empires of times past, built on colonies, conquest and the white man's burden ... The 21st century imperium is a new invention in the annals of political sciences, an empire lite, a global hegemony whose grace notes are free markets, human rights and democracy, enforced by the most awesome military power the world has ever known." 

The absurdity of his proposition was quite obvious at the time he made it, so no comment is necessary...except for the fact that the hyperbole "new invention in the annals of political science" appears to be his favourite. Here he is, writing about a decade later on Syria:

"A loose alliance of struggling capitalist democracies now finds itself face to face with two authoritarian despotisms—Russia and China—something new in the annals of political science..."

new in the annals of political science

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