Sunday, December 16, 2012


Quite predictable indeed....

predictable indeed

On his part, the White House spokesperson Jay Carney continued with his platitudes:

"Gun violence such as the Newtown, Connecticut, school shooting is a "complex problem," and "no single piece of legislation, no single action will fully address" it, White House spokesman Jay Carney says."

Few thinking people deny that such massacres occur due to "complex problems" - the state of the economy, the rates of unemployment and the stress and strain induced by these larger structural issues. However, no thinking person really believes that regulating guns will actually escalate the problems.  Gun control is merely the first step in the right direction. 

Amazingly enough, "In Newtown right now, you can shoot any gun at anytime on your property," said town police commission member Joel Faxon (CNN)

Meanwhile, the National Rifle Association has yet to respond to the Connecticut massacre. It's website features a story from late November - touting, not unexpectedly, the same predictable message:

"The point is, gun owners and the NRA have been right all along. It's the criminals, not the law-abiding gun owners, who are the issue. More guns, less crime isn't just "quite possible," it's a fact."

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